Dawn Diehnelt, D.D.S.
Dr. Dawn Diehnelt has enjoyed working as a dentist for more than 20 years. Although a native Midwesterner, she earned her Doctor of Dental Surgery (D.D.S.) from the University of Washington in Seattle, and practiced dentistry in California and overseas before choosing to settle in the Chicago area.
Dr. D, as she is affectionately called by her patients, completed her undergraduate studies at the University of Iowa in Japanese and spent a few years in Japan studying its language and culture. She also earned Master’s degrees in both International Affairs and Economics. Results of her studies and dental research were published here and abroad.
Dr. Diehnelt is a member of the North American Association of Facial Orthotropics (NAAFO) and is a staunch supporter of the Foundation for Airway Health.
Diehnelt, Dawn E. “Who Invited OSHA to the Dental Office?” Dentistry Today 12 (June/July 1993): 76-77.
Diehnelt, Dawn E. “The Cost of Infection Control in Dental Clinics: A Comprehensive Case Study.” The Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry 14 (October 1993): 1329-1335.
Diehnelt, Dawn E. “The Real Costs of Infection Control.” Dental Economics 83 (May 1993): 83-88.
Ai, Minooru. Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction – Diagnosis and Treatment, translated by Dawn E. Diehnelt, St. Louis, Tokyo: Ishiyaku EuroAmerica, Inc., 1993.
Katsuyama, Shigeru, et. al. Glass Ionomer Cement, translated by Dawn E. Diehnelt, St. Louis, Tokyo: Ishiyaku EuroAmerica, Inc., 1993.
Diehnelt, Dawn E. “Economic Analysis of Infection Control Costs at a Dental Center,” Paper for master’s degree at the University of Oklahoma, 1991.
Haga, Michio, and Nakazawa, Akira. Techniques for Porcelain Laminate Veneers, translated by Dawn E. Diehnelt, St. Louis, Tokyo: Ishiyaku EuroAmerica, Inc., 1990.
Diehnelt, Dawn, Kiyak, H.A., and Beach, B.H.“Predictors of Oral Health Behaviors Among Elderly Japanese Americans.” Special Care in Dentistry (July-August 1990): 114-120
Diehnelt, Dawn, “Nominono to Shoni no Ushoku no Kankei ni Tsuite.” Dentaruhaijiin 3 (July 15, 1983): 343-351.
Diehnelt, Dawn E. “Managing the Cost of Infection Control.” Illinois Dental Journal 62 (September/October 1993): 317-319.
Diehnelt, Dawn E. “Comparison of Infection Control Cost Estimates.” The Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry 15 (December 1994): 1448-1456.
Hirai, T., Tanaka, O., and Ishijima, T. Treatment Dentures for Edentulous Patients, translated by Dawn E. Diehnelt, St. Louis, Tokyo: Ishiyaku EuroAmerica, Inc., 1995.
Igarashi, Yoshimasa. Removable Partial Denture Design, translated by Dawn E. Diehnelt, St. Louis, Tokyo: Ishiyaku EuroAmerica, Inc., 1997.
Sasa, Ryuji, and Mukoyama, Kenichiro. Restoration of Primary Teeth, translated by Dawn E. Diehnelt, St. Louis, Tokyo: Ishiyaku EuroAmerica, Inc., 1998.

Dr. Diehnelt meets with Dr. John Mew, the father of orthotropics.
Diehnelt, Dawn E. “Trade in Medical Devices in Europe,” Paper for master’s degree at the American University, 1997.
Diehnelt, Dawn E. “Iryokiki no Boeki: Nihon, EU, to Beikoku no Kokunai Seisaku, Boeki Masatsu, Kokusaiteki Seigosei,” Paper for master’s degree at Ritsumeikan University, 1997.
Cauwe, Alain, and Diehnelt, Dawn. “Industrial Sector Analysis (ISA) (on Industrial Filters in Belgium)” U.S. & Foreign Commercial Service and the U.S. Department of State, 1997.
Diehnelt, Dawn E. Health Care in Central Europe and the New Independent States.” Business Links 10 (September 1997): 13-14.
Diehnelt, Dawn E. and Kiyak, H. Asuman. “Socioeconomic Factors That Affect International Caries Levels.” Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology 19 (June 2001): 226-233.